Boulder Public Library, enlarged photo

Boulder's Main Library closed Monday for testing and cleaning after methamphetamine residue was found in the bathroom air ducts.

Boulder's Public Main Library closed indefinitely on Monday for testing and cleaning after methamphetamine residue was found in a restroom air duct, according to a City of Boulder news release.

The city ordered tests of air ducts in six restrooms in the Main Library at 1001 Arapahoe Ave. in Boulder. The tests showed "higher than acceptable" levels of methamphetamine residue in air ducts, they said in the release.

The library was closed on Monday for environmental testing and cleaning. The city does not know how long the closure will last. 

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The pick-up dates for items on hold at the Main Library have been extended and individuals with items from the library are asked to hold onto them or return them to another location. 

The city has not seen any indication that those who have visited the library in recent weeks face significant health risks, according to the release.

Symptoms of exposure to low levels of methamphetamine contamination include headache, nausea, dizziness and fatigue. The city urges anyone who has visited the library recently and is experiencing any of these symptoms to consult their healthcare practitioner. 

Library staff members were reassigned to work in other library facilities or from home until the Main Library reopens. 

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