The Hopeless Crew, a dedicated group of volunteers and llamas who run the highest aid station in the Life Time Leadville Trail 100 Run, faces …
While ranchers whose livestock graze the lands of northern Colorado immediately west of the Continental Divide worry about depredating wolves,…
Debate continues over the U.S. Forest Service's mission to control recreational shooting across public lands close to Front Range populations.
Latest headlines
The first case of West Nile virus has been found in a Denver resident, Denver Public Health and Environment confirmed.
While the Denver Metro/North Front Range ozone non-attainment area was recently downgraded to “severe” by the Environmental Protection Agency,…
Two companies are looking to expand or open operations in Colorado.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported earlier this month its most current projected chances of La Niña forming f…
A proposal to ban the hunting of bobcats, lynx and mountain lions in Colorado will officially appear on the ballot this November, according to…
CAÑON CITY • Hundreds of grasshoppers flutter through the air as Matt Koster wades through his neighbor’s decimated hay field.
Joe Harrington: Founder-owner of MineWater and its various off-shoots such as MineWater Finance, MineWater Holdings and MW Sorter, all of them…
Latest headlines
Joe Harrington: Founder-owner of MineWater and its various off-shoots such as MineWater Finance, MineWater Holdings and MW Sorter, all of them…
Editor's Note: Part one of a two-part investigation. Read part two here.
Colorado water rights are a complex subject.
Colorado is getting another $25 million from the Department of the Interior to assist in cleaning up and plugging 106 of more than 1,100 orpha…
DENVER — Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officials found out on June 11 that its source for more wolves had changed its mind, a CPW spokespe…
State Rep. Brandi Bradley, R-Roxborough Park, introduced House Bill 23-1152 more than a year ago, aiming to ban foreign ownership of agricultu…
Thermal imagery recently captured by a stratospheric microballoon over the Alexander Mountain fire in Larimer County shows how Denver-based st…
The Regional Transportation District's re-imagining of Colfax Avenue, home to the city's busiest bus route, is $23 million closer to becoming …
The Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission has approved a Comprehensive Area Plan (CAP) for oil and gas drilling near the Aurora Res…
A group of environmental organizations has filed a lawsuit against the Suncor refinery in Commerce City under a provision of the federal Clean…
Denver Councilmember Sarah Parady has requested a second delay on voting for three contracts worth $25.5 million, which would pay for upgrades…
Navajo Nation tribal President Buu Nygren issued an executive order banning the transportation of uranium ore from the Pinyon Plain Mine throu…