The Hopeless Crew, a dedicated group of volunteers and llamas who run the highest aid station in the Life Time Leadville Trail 100 Run, faces …
Cool and unsettled start to Mother's Day in central and eastern Colorado. Showers and storms expected, with highs in the mid-60s. Improved wea…
Debate continues over the U.S. Forest Service's mission to control recreational shooting across public lands close to Front Range populations.
Latest headlines
Denver Public Schools officials on Thursday released the new discipline matrix used to address student misbehaviors that include a dozen new c…
Whiskey drinkers now have a long list to peruse over for Denver's Whiskey Riot 2024, slated for Oct. 5, at The Brighton in north Denver.
Denver's Mayor Mike Johnston's administration has defended its homelessness response, claiming it as a great success, despite the overall numb…
Two companies are looking to expand or open operations in Colorado.
A new video which purports to show a Tuesday shooting that injured three people near Union Station in Downtown Denver Tuesday was posted Wedne…
Someone is hacking into the Colorado court’s video streaming system disrupting often-sensitive hearings with pornography, racial slurs and vid…
PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — A dentist who practices in Boulder was arrested late last week in south Florida after flying there to meet a mother …
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Your morning rundown of the latest news from overnight and the stories to follow throughout the day.
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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported earlier this month its most current projected chances of La Niña forming f…
Hot days of summer might be lingering, but many Coloradans are already looking ahead to a winter spent on the slopes. And as locals know, now …
DENVER — Some of the best gymnastics in the world will embark on a live arena tour of the United States following the Paris Olympics.
The Denver City Council has advanced a proposed sales tax hike introduced by Mayor Mike Johnston and sponsored by five councilmembers. The bil…
(Reuters) - Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics on Tuesday announced an agreement to build solid rocket motors amid an ongoing shortage that …
Former Colorado clerk Tina Peters, the first local election official to be charged with a security breach after the 2020 election amid unfound…
Coloradans who need a water well dug may be paying double what it costs now if a potential technical regulation about drilling is approved, ac…
Welcome to the Denver Gazette’s Metro Moves. You’ll get the latest metro Denver openings, closings, hiring and promotion news here. To submit …
Colorado has become the fifth state to allow motorcyclists to filter lanes. Officials say the legislation that went into effect on Aug. 7 will…
Denver imposes a 4.81% sales tax on most items, but there are exceptions and special rules. Food and beverages not exempt from taxation are as…
Curious about how much a resident pays in annual taxes to Denver and how that revenue is allocated to the city's spending priorities?
Denver City Council has unanimously advanced a proposal to raise the sales tax rate by 0.5 points to fund affordable housing. The tax increase…
Colorado is getting another $25 million from the Department of the Interior to assist in cleaning up and plugging 106 of more than 1,100 orpha…
DENVER — Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officials found out on June 11 that its source for more wolves had changed its mind, a CPW spokespe…
More News
In El Paso County, a group of 75 Colorado Master Gardeners (CMGs) volunteer in the community…
We are all a little house blind. That is, we put off seeing what needs refreshing, replacing…
U.S. authorities say arrests for illegally crossing the border from Mexico plummeted 33% in …
Nearly 600 acres burned in the Quarry Fire before fire personnel got the blaze under control…
Tom Hellauer
Multimedia Producer
Colorado's Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve has become a destination for the scen…
An undisclosed amount of money was stolen from Ent Credit Union in Colorado Springs Friday m…