Jessica Campbell-Swanson

Jessica Campbell-Swanson

A candidate for county commissioner in Arapahoe County says she was sexually assaulted by a voter while campaigning.

She spoke up about the incident to destigmatize being a victim of harassment or assault, she said, and to raise awareness about risks women can face running for office.

Jessica Campbell-Swanson, who is running to become the District 2 county commissioner, said the incident took place while she was knocking on doors in the community on Tuesday.

Campbell-Swanson said she was wrapping up a conversation with a man who appeared to motion for a hug or handshake, but then groped her. It left her shocked and stunned, she said.

“I just sort of looked at him, and shook my head, and said, ‘No,’” she said. “And he was just laughing.”

Campbell-Swanson said she has seen loved ones struggle with internalized shame from being victim to harassment and assault and wants to destigmatize the issue for others. She also wanted to alleviate herself from feelings of shame and avoid the instinct to blame herself, she said.

“I don’t want this experience to teach me that being an open, warm and kind person who would give an old man a hug is wrong. I’m not going to let that do that to me,” she said.

Campbell-Swanson has managed campaigns and worked in politics for years before launching her own run for office. While experiences like hers are not normal, she said, they can and do happen. That’s despite increases in the number of women running for office and recent movements such as #MeToo, she said, emphasizing that sexism is a persistent societal problem.

She wants women to be cognizant of risks they can face while seeking public office. What she doesn’t want, Campbell-Swanson said, is for women to be deterred from running.

“I just want to applaud the people who, the volunteers and the candidates and people who are out there all of the time making themselves vulnerable, just trying to make the world a better place,” Campbell-Swanson said.

Lisa Calderon is executive director of Emerge Colorado, which trains women Democrats to run for office. The organization frequently gets calls from women seeking office who experience misconduct, she said.

“I wish I could say that it is an unusual situation for women candidates to face sexual harassment in many forms,” she said. “The truth of the matter is, it is a continuing concern that we hear about, and we train about.”

More than half of women and 1 in 3 men have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While gendered harassment is already a risk women face, it can become amplified when they run for office, she said.

“I’ve worked in politics where there were frequent death and rape threats,” she said.

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Calderon recalled getting dating proposals when she ran for office, and the realization those individuals did not respect her as a candidate. When she was chief of staff for Denver City Councilmember Candi CdeBaca, her team was trained in a protocol for responding to threats and harassment.

“It allows you to respond proactively, but not let it dominate the mental space, because these actions are very disturbing,” she said.

Training campaign teams for how to respond if someone harasses a woman running for office is important, she said. Know what tools are available if someone feels threatened. Have a point person to investigate complaints. Proactively identify resources a candidate might need, she said, and be ready to provide those if an incident occurs.

First and foremost, women running for office should prepare for these situations to happen, “because we still live in a society where women’s rights are not truly respected,” she said. She encouraged women to report situations when they happen, and tell someone if they need support, either publicly or privately, whichever they are comfortable doing.

Not all candidates will feel comfortable making a report to law enforcement because that creates a public record, she said, and speaking publicly can sometimes spur more harassment or retaliation.

Men also have a role to play supporting women, she said. They can be “very powerful allies, to be that intervening voice” by objecting to bullying or harassment of women running for office when they see it.

“It’s unfortunate that the responsibility for stopping the harassment tends to be on the victim, and it shouldn’t be that way,” she said. “We solely should put the responsibility on the person who’s doing the harm.”

Cathy Phelps is executive director at The Center for Trauma & Resilience in Denver, which offers crisis services at no cost. Some clients were also women who ran for office or held office who had experienced harassment, stalking and “some pretty ugly emails,” Phelps said.

In some cases, women needed to be entered into the address confidentiality program after someone showed up at their home, Phelps said.

One of the most serious fears facing women seeking office can be the fear they might be physically or sexually assaulted, she said. They can also worry someone in their life, such as a child or elder, could be harmed, or that their home will be targeted.

The center provided crisis intervention and trauma recovery. Helping a woman or public official recover from trauma entails regathering a sense of safety, and security, and making sure they can express how it has affected them, Phelps said.

She urged campaign staff to have a safety plan in place for campaigning and a protocol if a candidate faces misconduct, harassment or assault. Know where a venue’s exits are, have space between a candidate and the crowd, consider additional security if needed or body cameras. Let an organizer know if there have been issues of threats or harassment leading up to an event.

“It’s definitely sobering, to have to think about and prepare for,” she said.

Misconduct toward women seeking or holding officer no longer feels like an anomaly to Phelps, who called it inevitable and something campaigns need to plan for. She encouraged candidates who experience threats or misconduct to seek support.

“I would say don’t minimize the impact that it has on you,” she said.